A legend of Royal Beauty White.

KATHLEEN provides high quality beauty skin care products from Royal Leamington Spa with all careful extracted natural ingredients, excluding "extra" chemicals, and using high-end technology to care your skin healthy and beautiful, towards a royal beauty bright.
Our products are manufactured in Britain and are sold locally and other European territories. Our success is totally depended on our customer's repeat orders. We are confident our products are superior quality, innovative and technologically proven effective.
A legend of Royal Beauty White.
It is few days before Valentine’s Day. It’s that time to celebrate with your special someone.
Are you romantic? Valentine’s Day is the time to give, receive and celebrate millions of love. Red roses brighten your table. Red romance is in the air. Red Valentine’s Day!
To-morrow is Saint Valentine’s day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donn’d his clothes,
And dupp’d the chamber-door;
Let in the maid, that out a maid
Never departed more.William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5
Throughout this Spring/Summer we have showbiz satires to romantic classics in our cinema. Our Film Club continues to put on the best of drama, with romantic comedy Amelie hitting the screens this February. There will also be screenings of children’s favourite Paddington, the breathtakingly original showbiz satire Birdman and many many more.
Source: http://www.royal-leamington-spa.co.uk/springsummer-2015-season-royal-spa-centre/