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A Brand NEW START! Cheers to 2017 – Woman & Home January 2017 Edition

With a New Year, comes new opportunities! And we don’t want you to lose this one!

The new year has come, and new adventures as well!


Let’s all enjoy this new beginning and take the most out of it! Don’t lose this chance to BUY NOW £ 84.00 ONLY (Worth £140.40)

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Valid until 15th January 2017.

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AS SEEN IN Woman&Home’s January 2017 Edition, featuring:



Lifestyle People

May your days be MERRY & BRIGHT

“Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values.” – Thomas S. Monson



It’s been a crazy year, with loads of up’s and down’s… Different adventures… New experiences… But most importantly, with a lot of fun! The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of love and of generosity and of goodness, it is like a magic wave that goes through this world making everything softer and more beautiful. Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us, making us look back on the year and enjoying every single moment. With this, we would like to thank you all for joining our little journey and for making our everyday a little bit more special. Wouldn’t be the same without you.

We wish you all a

Merry Christmas


May your days be


Love Xx



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The Perfect Present – TATLER’S January 2017 Edition

It is the beginning of a new year to come meaning, a brand new adventure approaches!

Because of it’s magnificent and appealing publications about fashion, lifestyle and wealthy lifestyle, we fell in love by it and choose Tatler® has one of our Top Magazines!


AS SEEN IN TATLER’s December 2016 Edition:

“Festive Treats! Kathleen’s ‘Silk Miracle Essence’ contains seven active natural ingredients which help to nourish your skin with moisture, and give you that fresh, dewy glow, to keep you looking beautiful. silk-miracle-box-800x800

During the winter the air becomes cooler and drier, aside from drinking lots of water make sure you use a hydrating essence day and night such as Silk Miracle Essence to ensure that your skin stays plump and hydrated.


This lightweight and fast-penetrating essence contains 7 active natural ingredients which help to nourish your skin, and give you feeling plump and hydrated. Make sure to wear this before your ordinary moisturiser giving you extra-hydration.


img_1773Don’t lose the change to get a 30% discount on our online shop! Gift your friends and family with the best gift this Christmas! There is no better time to add extra radiance to your skin in Christmas.


Don’t miss some of our finest blogger’s opinion:


Blogger’s Reviews


“I’ve been using this product for about a month now & started just as I was entering a hormonal breakout. With the Skin Miracle however, I was able to use the Effacer Duo to treat the breakouts, without ending up with dry, flaky skin too. What’s more, the post-spot marks disappeared remarkably quickly, much more so than usual.”




“I’ve not been using the Silk Miracle Essence too long, but so far I really REALLY like it. It leaves my skin feeling super soft (on good skin days, I’ve found I don’t even need to use a moisturiser afterwards) and glowy.”





“Kathleen is perfect for the night however, it’s an almost gel like feeling essence that’s thin and settles in quickly. I’ve been using this for about three weeks and I’ve barely used any, so although it’s £58.80 – this is definitely something that I’d be willing to shell money out on again; plus I love supporting UK companies where I can.”



Read more on the bottom of  Silk Miracle Essence product page.




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Skin-Loving Boosters! – Woman&Home December issue

Christmas is around the corner!  It’s the festive time to get you even the best skin.

The Christmas party season is almost upon us. While the constant round of parties is great for your Facebook newsfeed, it’s less good for your skin. Frequent late nights, rich food, Christmas cocktails and cold weather can combine to leave your skin looking dry and dull. Make sure your skin enjoys the festive period as much as you do by introducing our skin care range in your daily routine.


AS SEEN IN Woman&Home December 2016 Edition:

“Including ‘Silk Miracle Essence’, £58.80, in your daily skin care routine, it will help nourish your skin with moisture and keep you fresh and dewy glow.

“Designed to target fine lines and fatigued skin, ‘Glamour Ageless’, £62.40, light-but-rich serum helps to soothe and re-energize your skin, keeping you to age gracefully.”

“Imagine a formula with more than 23 remarkable ingredients, ‘Caviar Enrich Eye Cream’, £78.00, treats the delicate skin around your eyes, giving you skin that feels firmer, more hydrated and leaving you with a luminous looking eye area.”

‘Amazing white’, £62.40, super serum packed full of star ingredients, helps to prevent and fade skin pigmentation, leaving your complexion to look more radiant, hydrated and bright.”


Check out our online shop and see our special packs available!


If  you like this post, you may also find interesting our other products Glamour Ageless, Amazing White and Silk Miracle Essence or some of our previous posts We are in the oldest Magazine – Tatler® and .