Beauty Glowing Skin Tips Health Product

Advice for Summer Time

The summer is finally here and we are ready to dig up our slippers and oversize floppy
hat! However, there are some point we should pay attention before going outside and enjoy the sun.

SunlightWhat happens to our skin when we get to much sunlight?

Sunlight is a combination of 3 types of rays – infrared, visible lights and ultraviolet. Usually the ozone layer absorbs most of toxic lights. However ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) penetrate through cloud and glass, deep into our skin, causing skin cell damage and premature aging. While the UVB penetrates into the outer layer of the skin epidermis damaging the cells and causing the skin to be inflamed or sunburnt, the UVA penetrates more deeply into the second layer of skin dermis causing direct damage to supporting tissues leading to ageing effects. Both types of rays are attributed to causing different skin cancers.



How should we read labels?

SPF stands for “sun protection factor” which represents the length of time you can stay in the sun protecting from UVB.  SPF 15 means a person who normally (without sunscreen) would turn red after 10 minutes of sun exposure would take 150 minutes (10 x 15) to turn red.  However, this does not mean you can stay in the sun for 150 minutes.  Red is the main symptom that our skin cells have been damaged.

SPF rating system applies to UVB rays only.  We need protecting from UVA also which causes of skin premature aging.  In the revised EU guidelines for sunscreens products, this should be a UVA seal which requires providing consumers with a minimum level of UVA protection in relation to at least 1/3 of the SPF.

In US, FDA requires the phrase “BROAD SPECTRUM” which will provide protection from both UVA and UVB. Therefore, we are not looking for a SPF product only and also the UVA seal or the phrase “BROAD SPECTRUM”.

Is SPF 30 better than SPF 15? SPF 15 will filter out about 93% of UVB rays and SPF 30 filters out about 97%.  European manufacturers most of the time recommend SPF 50+, which gives you almost 98% protection compared to the other ones.


SPF and UVBHow do sunscreens work?

Sunscreen is mainly composed by UV-filters.  These work in one of two ways: (1) absorbing the UV-light by ‘soaking it up’ like thousands of tiny sponge soaks up water or (2) reflecting the UV-light away from the skin like thousands of tiny mirrors.  Absorbing filters, also called chemical or organic filters, soak up UV-light then converting it into lower energy and safer infrared light.  Reflecting filters, also called mineral or inorganic filters, are commonly used together with absorbing filters to get more efficient results.  Different UV-filters tend to be effective against different wavelengths of UV-light, therefore most sunscreens products include several different UV-filters to provide a broad spectrum of protection, high SPF value and UVA seals.

My Recommendation


Never expose to sunlight longer than necessary.  Try to stay out of the sun between the hours of 10am to 4pm. The longer we are outside, the longer our skin suffered from UV-lights.  No matter how – do not let SPF, UVA, hat – fool us into thinking we can stay out in the sun longer.


Staying under shade, such as a tree or umbrella, can reduce our sunlight exposure, but not completely.  Only very broad and thick shade such as thickly wooded areas and widely overhanging structures provide enough protection explained by British Association of Dermatologists.

Cover up

  1. Clothing

We can select dark-coloured, synthetic fabrics, close weave and dry clothing (fabrics get wet, their protection can be halved).

  1. Oversized sunglasses

Please remember to check your sunglasses with ‘real’ sun protection. Remember that the UV-protective chemical on sunglasses is invisible, so the colour of the lens not an indication of protecting.  Label must clearly state the following labelling.

  • “CE Mark” and British Standard (BS EN 1836:1997)
  • UV400 (it means the sunglasses blocks up to 400 nm of UV-light)
  • 100% UV protection written on the label or sticker
  1. Hat

Hats are great for protecting our face, ears, eyes and head and back of the neck. So choose a wide-brimmed hat for most protection. Baseball caps are not a good choice.

  1. Sunscreen

Nice thick layer sunscreen can sit on our face and protect from UV-lights. National Institute for Health and Care recommends a minimum of SPF 15 and UVA seals in the UK.  And don’t forget our lips.


Watery fruits and veggies like watermelon, papaya, pineapple, muskmelon, grapes, orange, tomatoes and cucumber helps you feel refreshed and hydratedmeloun during summer and also feeds you with nutritious goods.

  • Percentage of water (H2O) per fruit:

Cucumber – 96%

Tomato – 94%

Watermelon – 93%

Strawberries – 92%

Orange – 90%

Peaches – 89%

Pineapple – 87%

Blueberries -85%

Musk Melon – 85%

Grapes – 81%

Papaya – 80%

Thanks for reading!

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Beauty Benefits Health Lifestyle People

Green Tea – ZEN Mode

Green Tea…

For thousands of years has been used as a medicine, originating in China, but with time, also used throughout Asia. This beverage has multitude of uses and benefits that you may not have been aware of.

Due to its process, green tea has more health benefits attached to it than Black Tea because, black tea processing allows fermentation whereas green tea’s processing avoids the fermentation. As a result, green tea retains more antioxidants and poly-phenols, the substances that make it have many benefits.

Some of these benefits are still being debated, but here is a list of some:

  1. Weight Loss – Green tea helps increase your metabolism. The polyphenol found in green tea intensifies levels of fat oxidation and the rate each body turns food into calories.
  2. Diabetes – Apparently green tea helps regulate glucose levels slowing the sugar rate after eating. This helps prevent spikes of insulin, which usually result into fat storage.
  3. Heart Disease – According to scientists, green tea works on the blood vessels lining, keeping them relaxed and able to withstand changes in blood pressure. It is said to protect against the formation of clots, being these the primary cause of heart attacks.
  4. Cholesterol – Green tea helps you reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and improves the ratio of good cholesterol keeping you blood vessels clean and with this preventing other diseases.
  5. Tooth Decay – Recent studies suggest that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in tea can help you fight bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions.
  6. Depression – Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. This substance is thought to provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect which will help you fight depression.
  7. Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial – The antioxidant called “catechin” works as a strong antibacterial and antiviral agent which makes it effective for almost everything, from a small cold to cancer.
  8. Skincare – Green tea also helps with wrinkles and the signs of aging because it contains high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory activities. Studies demonstrated that green tea can help reducing sun damage.

However, it should always be used carefully, especially when hepatic failure is present. Even though tea may be good for you, it still contains caffeine, which should be avoided during pregnancy or may become pregnant.

Beauty Glowing Skin Tips Health Lifestyle People

Strawberry – The power of Antioxidants

Since Summer started this past 20th June, what else could be better then enjoying a bowl of strawberries!? If you’re not yet a fan, you should be. Not only are they summery, juicy and delicious, they are also nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidants. Strawberries also offer a wide range of health benefits, being wrinkle prevention one of them.

Still not convinced? Then here are 10 reasons why you should add more strawberries to your daily life.

  • Boost immunity

According to a Toronto-based dietitian Madeleine Edwards, strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C. Most mammals have the ability to produce vitamin C naturally, apart from Humans, which is why it is so important to incorporate them in your daily life. One serving of strawberries contains 51.5 mg of vitamin C, which means thats around half of your daily requirement. Its also a fast-working antioxidant meaning they become “workable” with our blood after eating the fruit for just a few weeks.

  • Promote eye health

The antioxidant properties in strawberries help prevent cataracts (clouding over the eye lens) which can lead to blindness in older age. Our eyes require alot of vitamin C to protect them from all the exposure to free-radicals from the sun’s UV rays, which can damage the protein in the lens. They also play and important role in strengthening the eye’s cornea and retina

  • Help fight cancer

Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants that can help prevent cancer, considering a healthy immune system is our body’s best friend. But is not all. They got another properties called ellagic acid, lutein and zeathancins which helps to suppress cancer cell growth.

  • Keep wrinkles away

Vitamin C is a vital property to help our body produce collagen, which helps to improve skin’s elasticity and resilience. Since we lose collagen as we age, eating food rich in vitamin C will probably result in a healthier and younger looking skin.

  • Fight bad cholesterol

Strawberries also contain powerful heart boosters. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among Canadian women. Ellagic acid and flavonoids or phytochemicals can provide an antioxidant effect that can benefit heart health in various ways. One way includes counteracting the effect of low-density lipoprotein, or LDL bad cholesterol in the blood which causes plaque to build up in arteries. They also provide anti-inflammatory effects, which is also good for the heart. Adding strawberries to the diet reduced oxidative damage, as well as blood lipids both of which play a role in heart disease and diabetes.

  • Reduce inflammation

Antioxidants and phytochemicals found in strawberries can also help reducing inflammation of the joints, that may cause arthritis and lead to several heart disease. A recent study done by the Harvard School of Public Health showed that women who ate 16 or more strawberries per week have 14% less chances to have elevated levels of C-reactive protein, which makes the inflammation.

  • Regulate blood pressure

They are also rich in potassium, another healthy nutrient that will help regulate blood pressure and may even help to lower high blood pressure, acting like a buffer against the negative effects of sodium. With the impact they have on the reduction of LDL, strawberries become one of the most healthy fruits you can eat.

  • Boost fibre

Fibre is a necessity for healthy digestion, and strawberries naturally contain about 2 g per serving. Problems that can arise from lack of fibre include constipation and diverticulitis an inflammation of the intestines which affects approximately 50 percent of people over 60. Fibre can also aid in fighting type 2 diabetes.

  • Aid in weight management

Sometimes, maintaining a healthy weight can be one of the hardest things to do. But don’t you fear! Strawberries are here to help. Our weight can be one of the best defenses against type 2 diabetes, not to mention it is good for you overall. They are naturally low in calories, fat-free and low in both sodium and sugar. The total amount of sugars are fairly low with 4 grams per serving and the amount of carbohydrates is equivalent to half a slice of bread. If you eat around 1.5 cups, you will have a snack with less the 100 calories!

  • Promote pre-natal health

Strawberries provide Folate (B-vitamin) recommended for pregnant woman or trying to conceive. Meaning you can get around 21mcg per serving by eating strawberries. Folate is necessary in the early stages of pregnancy in order to help develop the baby’s brain, skull and spinal cord. The folic acid will also prevent certain birth defects, such as spina bifida (condition where the spine does not develop properly, leaving a gap in the spine).

However, even if strawberries sound like a “miracle” fruit, you must be careful which ones to buy and where to buy. Strawberries are more likely to contain pesticides than any other type of food. Test samples in Britain showed that all strawberries selling contained traces of at least one pesticide. Reports have been found that 2.2% of the british strawberries were above the legal limit. You might want to give that punnet of strawberries a good wash before you tuck in – or better still, go organic.

Have you ever tried any skincare with strawberry? Check out our Amazing White illuminating Serum which help to enhance skin elasticity with a whitening and moisturizing effect. In addition, strawberries have purifying results making the skin look fresh and smooth.



Event People Promotion

JOIN US in London Bloggers Summer Hangout

KATHLEEN® debut release  

KATHLEEN®,  will join the Bloggers Summer Hangout event, taking place at the Strand Gallery, 32 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6BP on 24th and 25th June 2016 from 1-5pm, introducing KATHLEEN® groundbreaking new products to all bloggers.  You are invited to come and visit us. (and bring your friends with you!)

natural & organic

We are skincare specialists with a desire for creating perfect and healthy skin. It is never too early or too late to think about your skincare routine that helps you look your best. At KATHLEEN® we give you helpful tips to look flawless and fabulous at every age and recommend the products best suited for your particular skin concerns.


We love nature and science.  KATHLEEN® provides high quality, premium, natural and organic skincare products with no extra artificial chemicals. KATHLEEN® is 100% made in Great Britain. Our success is due to our careful selection of the purest, natural organic ingredients and our good manufacturing process. We pride ourselves on providing natural and reliable skin care products.

For more information about KATHLEEN®, please go to our website:

Contact: Ms. Kat,