Not to be mistaken for the coffee you drink, Green Coffee Extract is one of the most potent forms of natural antioxidants which fight against free radicals and is prized for its host of skincare benefits. The ‘Super Ingredient’ is extracted from green, unroasted, cold-pressed coffee beans and is rich in natural plant-based chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid and caffeine.
Chlorogenic Acid – Reduces redness associated with excessive sunlight exposure Ferulic Acid – Provides antioxidants and sun protective benefits Caffeine – Limits photo-damage, decrease skin roughness and wrinkle formulation
Each of these antioxidants helps to stimulate a tired, dull complexion, tighten and tone the skin, and boost the skin’s youthful radiance. The chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid and caffeine increases blood flow, allow skin to reduce free radical damage, heal rough tissue and promote rapid cell regeneration. As well as being rich in antioxidants, Green Coffee Extract is also rich in fatty acids and esters such as Arahidic Acid, Linoleic Acid and Oleic Acid which help to moisturise and hydrate the skin.
Green Coffee Extract is a superstar ingredient in Kathleen Natural’s Caviar Enrich Eye Cream. Kathleen Natural provides a prominent anti-aging eye cream with Green Coffee Extract and 22 natural and marine extracts; a perfect combination to deal with wrinkles, puffiness, dryness and dark circles. Shop here
– Kathleen Natural
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Lovely summer, we wear sandals, skater skirt, sleeveless dress, shorts and oversized floppy hat. Then, what does our skin wear in summer? Sunscreen may be the simple answer. We, smart ladies, shall learn more.
What does sunlight do to our skin?
Sunlight is a combination of 3 types of rays – infrared, visible lights and ultraviolet. Thanks to the natural world. The ozone layer absorbs most of toxic lights. However ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) penetrate cloud and glass and deep into our skin, causes skin cell damages and premature aging. UVB penetrates into the outer layer of the skin epidermis and damages the cells causing the skin to be inflamed or sunburnt. UVA penetrates more deeply into second layer of skin dermis causing direct damage to supporting tissues leading to ageing effects. Both types of rays are attributed to causing different skin cancers.
How can we read labels right?
SPF stands for “sun protection factor” which represents the length of time you can stay in the sun protecting from UVB. SPF 15 means a person who normally (without sunscreen) would turn red after 10 minutes of sun exposure would take 150 minutes (10 x 15) to turn red. Remember, this does not mean you can stay in the sun for 150 minutes. Red is the one of the symptoms that our skin cells have been damaged. Never risks our skin.
SPF rating system applies to UVB rays only. We need protecting from UVA also which causes of skin premature aging. In the revised EU guidelines for sunscreens products, this should be a UVA seal which requires providing consumers with a minimum level of UVA protection in relation to at least 1/3 of the SPF.
In US, FDA requires the phrase “BROAD SPECTRUM” which will provide protection from both UVA and UVB. Therefore, we are not looking for a SPF product only and also the UVA seal or the phrase “BROAD SPECTRUM”.
Is SPF 30 better than SPF 15? SPF 15 will filter out about 93% of UVB rays and SPF 30 filters out about 97%. In Europe regulations, manufacturers are limited to claiming SPF 50+; in Australia it is even more restrictions for maximum claiming of 30+, while in the US, it is no particular restrictions.
How do sunscreens work?
The main ingredients of a sunscreen product are the UV-filters. UV-filters work in one of two ways: (1) absorbing the UV-light by ‘soaking it up’ like thousands of tiny sponge soaks up water or (2) reflecting the UV-light away from the skin like thousands of tiny mirrors. Absorbing filters, also called chemical or organic filters, soak up UV-light then converting it into lower energy and safer infrared light. Reflecting filters, also called mineral or inorganic filters, are commonly used together with absorbing filters to get more efficient results. Different UV-filters tend to be effective against different wavelengths of UV-light, therefore most sunscreens products include several different UV-filters to provide a broad spectrum of protection, high SPF value and UVA seals.
Many of UV-filters will not dissolve in water, therefore sunscreens must contain large amount of oil ingredients to help dissolve the UV-filters which make people feeling oily and greasy.
3-rule must be followed to ensure the SPF and UVA seals works.
Use 15 to 30 minutes in advance (get the UV-filters ready to work)
Apply a thick layer; 1/4 to 1/3 of a teaspoon for face and 6 teaspoons (golf ball size) for body; Some studies found that people apply only half of the amount required and leaving your skin unprotected.
Re-apply every 2 or 3 hours; The sunscreen layer will be worn off and/or fully soaked of the UV-light.
Are UV-filters toxic our skin?
Based on the Environmental Working Group (EWG) scores, I summarized following table of UV-filters against different level of toxicity concerns.
UV-filters with higher toxicity concerns
UV-filters with moderate toxicity concerns
UV-filters with lower toxicity concerns
Titanium Dioxide
Octinoxate (Octylmethoxycinnamate)
Zinc Oxide
Mexoryl SX
Avoid vitamin A and related ingredients
EWG recommends that we have to avoid sunscreens and other skin and lip products containing vitamin A, retinyl palmitate, retinol, retinyl acetate, retinyl linoleate and retinoic acid – manufacturers believe these slow the skin aging. Studies found the possibility that these ingredients may speed the growth of cancerous tumor when used on skin exposed to sunlight.
My Recommendation
Never expose to sunlight longer than necessary. Try to stay out of the sun between the hours of 10am to 4pm. The longer we are outside, the longer our skin suffered from UV-lights. No matter how – do not let SPF, UVA, hat – fool us into thinking we can stay out in the sun longer.
Staying under shade, such as a tree or umbrella, can reduce our sunlight exposure, but not completely. Only very broad and thick shade such as thickly wooded areas and widely overhanging structures provide enough protection explained by British Association of Dermatologists.
Cover up
We can select dark-coloured, synthetic fabrics, close weave and dry clothing (fabrics get wet, their protection can be halved).
Oversized sunglasses
Please remember to check your sunglasses with ‘real’ sun protection. Remember that the UV-protective chemical on sunglasses is invisible, so the colour of the lens not an indication of protecting. Label must clearly state the following labelling.
“CE Mark” and British Standard (BS EN 1836:1997)
UV400 (it means the sunglasses blocks up to 400 nm of UV-light)
100% UV protection written on the label or sticker
Hats are great for protecting our face, ears, eyes and head and back of the neck. So choose a wide-brimmed hat for most protection. Baseball caps are not a good choice.
Nice thick layer sunscreen can sit on our face and protect from UV-lights. National Institute for Health and Care recommends a minimum of SPF 15 and UVA seals in the UK. And don’t forget our lips.
Obviously, sunscreen is not nutrients, so wisely prevent the higher toxicity concerns UV-filters. As sunscreen works as a cover on my face, I always apply my prestigious skin care products, Glamour Ageless and Silk Miracle Essence well before any sunscreen. I don’t like mixing UV-filters with those precious ingredients that blocking the benefits sinking into my skin.
How can Coenzyme Q10 work as antioxidents to boost our skin health?
One of my readers who asked what is coenzyme Q10 which I highlighted in my newsletter on 2015-05-01? Then, I warn her,” You may better note the benefits rather than digging into those difficult scientific findings.” But my lovely dear reader refused! She is so smart and love to be more knowledgeable!
Coenzyme Q10 also known as ubiquinone (CoQ10), is a new comer in the skin care industry and was first discovered by ingredient giant, Beiersdorf, Germany in 2011 for skin-rejuvenating and wrinkle-reducing functions. Its chemical structure is:
Don’t panic, CoQ10 is a small molecule that we can produce ourselves naturally. CoQ10 can be found in all organs, including skin; be specific, can be found in cell membranes of mitochondria. Mitochondria are very important; they are the “powerhouse” of our cells and control the cell growth and cell death!
Why CoQ10 exists in the cell membrane of mitochondria and what is its function?
CoQ10 is a fat-soluble and tiny “mobile” molecule; it has an unique ability due to its three interchangeable states
– electron donor and electron acceptor. Electron is transferred to and from these 3 states. Therefore little CoQ10 become an electron transfer chain for generating power, and this cellular power for human cell is called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). On the way of transforming food to ATP, we need trillions and trillions of CoQ10. In our body, no other molecule like CoQ10 can perform similar function!
How CoQ10 can work as an antioxidant?
I need to explain what are free radicals? Our human cell is composed of many different cells. Cells are composed of many different molecules. Each molecule consists of one or more atoms. Each atom consists of nucleus, neutrons, protons and electrons. A molecule will be in “stable” status if no. of nucleus, neutrons, protons and electrons are in balance. However, human cells have many chemical reactions during respiration and metabolism leaving the molecules with an unpaired electron. Scientists called it is an oxidation reaction and unpaired electron molecules are free radicals. Free radicals are very “unstable” and trying to capture electron to gain stability. They attacks the nearest molecules, “stealing” electrons and damaging our cells.
Magically, CoQ10 naturally is the most generous donor and acceptor of electrons. CoQ10 works naturally as an anti-oxidant; protects our cells from damages and neutralizes free radicals in the environment.
Aging Problem
Under perfect condition, our body can produce as much CoQ10 as we need. However, scientists found the level of CoQ10 in the body declines with age.
Please give scientists a big hand! They discovered CoQ10. Commercial CoQ10 is manufactured in both natural and synthetic forms (a yeast fermentation extraction and partial synthesis from CoQ9).
Over thirty, our ability to produce CoQ10 is reduced. Our skin will appear the effects of ages, fine line, wrinkles …. loose… tired… Our skin needs CoQ10 little helpers! Unlock the secret of CoQ10 in GLAMOUR AGELESS.
No more Roughness, Irritation, Fine lines, Tightness, Flaking
Do you or your friends have some of the following experiences? You must read this article now.
“The roughness on my face makes me so unhappy.”
” My face feel irritated and itchy.”
“There are fine lines on my face. I am only 20.”
” My skin feels extremely tight and taut.”
“My skin keeps severe flaking and scaling.”
These are the symptoms of dry and dehydrated skin. But dry and dehydrated skin can be two different conditions. Dry skin refers to skin that is lack of oil, the natural protective layer of our skin is disappearing. Dehydrated skin is defined by lack of moisture in the epidermis. Oily skin can experience dehydration.
The main causes of dry and dehydrated skin likely are some of them.
Aging dryness
At age around 30, the sweat and the oil glands are less productive. This causes dry, wrinkled and itchy skin. At age around 40, the dermis and the skin’s fat layer start getting thin and so our skin dry out quickly. You must select an anti-aging serum with finest plant oils and moisturizing function when we are approaching 30. Don’t be lazy and apply it continuously. Now try Kathleen Glamour Ageless, you will feel the benefits on your face.
Environment Dehydration
Over exposure to the sun, winds, air conditioning, heating and low temperatures cause water loss from your skin much quicker than you can imagine. Your skin deteriorates quickly, becoming fragile and irritated, and even flaking if you do not break the cycle with an effective moisturizer. You shall always be gentle with your skin, protecting your face from external environment stress. Don’t wait for breakouts, prevention is always better than cure. Feed your face with Kathleen Silk Miracle Essence every day.
Diets – Nowadays, fat-free diets is welcoming. But you have to be careful because extreme fat-free diets may hurt your body due to lack of essential fatty acids. This deficiency can result in itching, dryness, scaling, and thinning.
Sleep – Missed sleep also hurt. While you sleep, all hormonal and metabolic changes happen in your whole body, including growing, repairing and restoring skin cells. A bad sleep, your face and eyes will tell people immediately. So please give your skin a 7-9 hours sleep.
Drink – Drinking excessive alcoholic beverages, but too little water is a killing habit today. Our body needs 7-8 glasses of water a day! Our skin can’t like a plant – water goes straight to our skin and stores up for future use. Water goes through the stomach, then the intestines gets absorbed into our bloodstream and is filtered by kidneys. Then it hydrated our cells. Therefore you need to drink water in regular intervals; not only when you are thirsty; also not intake large amount of water in a short period of time because water just goes to your kidneys and urine.
Apply effective skin care products to your face and entire neck area in your daily skin care routine. Keep good lifestyle. You will be thankful in your 40’s. Remember skin care products are not medicines; if your skin has serious problem, you must consult your dermatologists immediately.