Beauty Glowing Skin Tips Lifestyle

Sweets Accelerate Skin Aging

There is a direct relationship between high-sugar diet and skin aging!

Scientists found that once sugar enter our blood (in form of glucose) which attach themselves to the amino groups of tissue proteins such as collagen to form harmful molecules called advanced glycation end products (nickname AGES!). These process accelerate skin aging in two areas:

  1. Harmful AGES have taken up the precious collagen from our body in a domino-like reaction. Collagen is a natural type of protein which makes up over 80% of a person’s skin, working like a ‘glue’ and ‘scaffolding’. Therefore, AGES further reduce the level of collagen leading to dry, wrinkles and sagging looking skin.
  2. AGES also affect what type of collagen we have. Our skin contains 3 types of collagen (types I, II, and III) and type III are the most stable and longest lasting. AGES will transform type III collagen into type I, which is more fragile.

Nevertheless could we completely eliminate all types of sugar from our diets? We should not!  Sugar is an essential fuel for cells and energy metabolism, critical to survival.   However, here are the tips to reduce or slow AGES.

Tips #1: Limited your daily added, or ‘free’ sugars to 5% of your daily calorie intake, equals to five-six teaspoons (25g) for women and seven-eight teaspoons (35g) which is the recommendations from the World Health Organisation.

Tips #2: Avoid fizzy drink which contain around 9 teaspoons of sugar!

Tips #3: Avoid high-fructose corn syrup (a common additive sweetener in processed food) which is 10 times faster formation of AGES. Check labels for ingredients list!

Tips #4: Minimize intake of carbohydrates.

Tips #5: No more fast food.

Tips #6: Eat more antioxidant-rich foods; fruits e.g grapes, berries, especially dark-colored ones; nuts e.g. walnuts; dark green vegetables.

Tips #7: Replenish the skin with antioxidant-rich ingredients, coenzyme Q10,  green coffee extract, algae extract, sunflower seed oil, apricot kernel oil, sandalwood extract, Vitamin E, hyaluronic acid and cranberry extract.

Tips #8: Remember sun protection.

Thanks so much for reading my post.  If you like this post, you may also like Olive Oil: Taste & Health, Skin Care Routine and Unlock the Secret of Coenzyme Q10.


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Beauty Glowing Skin Tips People Product

Skincare Do’s and Dont’s – Winter Edition

With the winter months kicking in, a change of weather calls for an updated wardrobe and of course, skincare routine. The crisp, winter air can really take a toll on the skin with it feeling dry,  irritated, tight and more sensitive, so it’s important to consider switching up the usual routine to ensure skin is protected during the cold, dry weather. 

So, how does the winter affect our skin?

The outer layer of the skin (epidermis) contains the perfect combination of water, fats and lipids which help water retention and skin moisture. But in winter the low temperature and low humidity, along with very hot and drying central heating, will trigger a physical process where water will flow across the membrane of skin cells and be spontaneously sucked out of your skin by the dry air.  Our blood circulation will usually recover the water and lipids, however in winter months, the blood flow is diverted from the skin to keep your core warm. As a result. skin self-recovery ability is slowed down in winter and our outer skin barrier (epidermis) is weakened. 

So, to summarise… the cold, winter air reduces blood circulation in the face and tightens pores which in turn reduces our natural oils (such as sebum) that act as a protective layer.

Here are a few skincare do’s and dont’s to help protect your skin and prevent further damage during the cold, winter months!


Skincare Do’s

  • Opt for a mild, gentle, non-foaming cleanser to help moisture your skin and avoid your natural oils being stripped further. 
  • Replenish your skin with super hydrating ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid (found in Amazing White Illuminating Serum and Glamour Ageless Anti-Aging Serum) or Aloe Vera (found in Silk Miracle Essence)
  • After a warm, relaxing bath or shower, lock moisture into the skin by applying a nourishing body oil onto damp skin within 3 minutes of getting out of the bath or shower. (Try out Body Oils in: Tranquil Fields, Sensual Rose and Citrus Cheer)
  • Take care of your body by one: staying hydrated – drink plenty of water throughout the day and two: balancing nutrition by eating plenty of essential fatty acids, omega-3 found in avocado and oily fish and omega-6 found in nuts and whole grains which prevents dehydration in the skin cells.


Skincare Dont’s

  • Take a super a hot bath or shower – this breaks down the lipid barriers in the skin
  • Further irritate the skin by harshly rubbing or scratching the skin – gently pat the skin when drying and gently massage in skincare products when applying
  • Don’t over exfoliate the skin if you’re skin is extra dry or flaky as this will further irritate the skin. Instead, remove dead skin cells and reveal your natural glow more gently with our Facial Sonic Cleansing Device

Upgrade your winter skincare and bodycare routine with Kathleen Natural! Shop here



– Kathleen Natural

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Protection: Those natural oils, apricot kernel oil, coconut oil and olive oil, build a protective barrier on our skin, protecting against the effects of environment stress and irritants, balancing skin beauty but without leaving a greasy residue.

Just keep using every day and night, the results are visible.