Beauty Glowing Skin Tips Lifestyle Product

Roughness, Irritation, Fine lines, Tightness, Flaking

Do you or your friends have some of the following experiences? You must read this article now.

“The roughness on my face makes me so unhappy.”

” My face feel irritated and itchy.”

“There are fine lines on my face. I am only 20.”

” My skin feels extremely tight and taut.”

“My skin keeps severe  flaking and scaling.”


These are the symptoms of dry and dehydrated skin. But dry and dehydrated skin can be two different conditions.  Dry skin refers to skin that is lack of oil, the natural protective layer of our skin is disappearing.  Dehydrated skin is defined by lack of moisture in the epidermis.  Oily skin can experience dehydration.


The main causes of dry and dehydrated skin likely are some of them.


Aging dryness


At age around 30, the sweat and the oil glands are less productive.  This causes dry, wrinkled and itchy skin.  At age around 40, the dermis and the skin’s fat layer start getting thin and so our skin dry out quickly.  You must select an anti-aging serum with finest plant oils and  moisturizing function when we are approaching 30.  Don’t be lazy and apply it continuously.  Now try Kathleen Glamour Ageless, you will feel the benefits on your face.


Environment Dehydration


Over exposure to the sun, winds, air conditioning, heating and low temperatures cause water loss from your skin much quicker than you can imagine.  Your skin deteriorates quickly, becoming fragile and irritated, and even flaking if you do not break the cycle with an effective moisturizer.  You shall always be gentle with your skin, protecting your face from external environment stress.  Don’t wait for breakouts, prevention is always better than cure. Feed your face with Kathleen Silk Miracle Essence every day.




Diets – Nowadays, fat-free diets is welcoming.  But you have to be careful because extreme fat-free diets may hurt your body due to lack of essential fatty acids. This deficiency can result in itching, dryness, scaling, and thinning.


Sleep – Missed sleep also hurt.  While you sleep, all hormonal and metabolic changes happen in your whole body, including growing, repairing and restoring skin cells.  A bad sleep, your face and eyes will tell people immediately.  So please give your skin a 7-9 hours sleep.


Drink – Drinking excessive alcoholic beverages, but too little water is a killing habit today. Our body needs 7-8 glasses of water a day!  Our skin can’t like a plant – water goes straight to our skin and stores up for future use.  Water goes through the stomach, then the intestines gets absorbed into our bloodstream and is filtered by kidneys.  Then it hydrated our cells.  Therefore you need to drink water in regular intervals; not only when you are thirsty; also not intake large amount of water in a short period of time because water just goes to your kidneys and urine.


Apply effective skin care products to your face and entire neck area in your daily skin care routine. Keep good lifestyle. You will be thankful in your 40’s. Remember skin care products are not medicines; if your skin has serious problem, you must consult  your dermatologists immediately.

Beauty Glowing Skin Tips People Product

People tend to overlook and forget

What is the largest organ of our body? Skin! It is one of the most complex organs. There are some 650 sweat glands, 65 hair follicles, 19 yards of capillaries, 78 yards of nerves, thousands of nerve endings in  1 tiny sq. inch of skin.  Our skin has three layers, the epidermis (outer layer), the dermis (elastic and collagen layer), and the subcutaneous (the fatty layer).

The epidermis are .05mm thick (eye) to 4mm thick (palm) and pH 4.4-5.6 at the surface; consists of water, fats, lipids, amino acids, natural enzymes, protein … for multiple functions; water retention, skin moisture, strength and cohesiveness of the skin, preventing the growth of bacteria and reproduction new cells to replace exfoliated cells, and skin colour.

Our cell replacement takes every 28 days in young adults, but increases with age to 50 days or over which is unavoidable of aging. The epidermis is then bonded to the elastic and collagen layer, dermis. The dermis supplies nutrients to select layers of the epidermis. Learn the secrets of coenzyme-Q10 which is the “power house” of our skin and try our Glamour Ageless Anti-aging Serum now.

People tend to overlook and forget. When the skin performs in perfect harmony, the result is a beautiful, glowing, healthy complexion. If the skin is not in harmony, KATHLEEN’s natural and organic products are meant to assist in restoring its balance and beauty, leaving you skin healthy, dewy glow.



Beauty Glowing Skin Tips Product

Spring Skin Care Tips

After months of indoor heat and winter cold dry winds, your skin became flaky, dry and looking aged.  Spring is ideal times to rejuvenate and pumper your skin.  Today, I would like to introduce “Hyaluronic Acid” to everyone even you are very sensitive skin.   Hyaluronic acid is one of the newer wonder ingredients touted by the beauty industry. It acts a shock absorber and give skin tone and “bounce”.   It keeps our skin plump, soft and supple.

Hyaluronic acid has a remarkable ability to attract and bind water – retaining more than 1,000 times their weight in water.  That’s why it keeps your skin plumping.  Research has shown that hyaluronic acid can penetrate the epidermis to hydrate skin tissue, plump up wrinkles, reduce appearance of irregular pigmentation and age spot.

You can find natural hyaluronic acid in our products – Amazing White, Glamour Ageless and Caviar Enrich Eye Cream.  Say goodbye to indoor.

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